Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Interact Announces Winners of 2010 Intranet Excellence Awards

(PRWEB) December 11, 2010

Interact, a leading supplier in intelligent intranet software, has announced the winners of this year’s Interact Intranet Awards. Each year, Interact recognises individuals and organisations that have produced outstanding intranets by using Interact Intranet to improve business processes, staff communication, collaboration, productivity and much more.

The winners were announced at an Awards Dinner during Interact’s annual user event, Interaction, and presented by Nigel Danson, CEO and Founder of Interact. This popular annual user event enables Interact’s intranet experts to share experience and knowledge with customers and also provides customers with the opportunity to exchange ideas and best practice with other Interact users.

The Intranet Awards celebrate new ideas and innovative approaches to the enhancement and delivery of intranets. There are six categories:

·         Best Intranet

·         Best Intranet Usage

·         Best Intranet Branding

·         Best Intranet Launch Strategy

·         Best Use of Enterprise 2.0 Tools

·         Best Intranet Champion

“We thank everyone for their entries and congratulate all the winners for their innovative approaches.” said Nigel Danson.

“These organisations represent the ‘best of the best’; they have excelled in intranet management and produced outstanding intranets by using Interact Intranet to significantly improve internal collaboration and processes.”

Winners of the 2010 Intranet Excellence Awards are:

Best Intranet: HMV

A highlight from the HMV entry is their innovative ‘Ask HR’ feature – a ‘google’ like search option to help with all HR related issues with an option to log enquiries and questions online. 97% of these queries are responded to within one hour and since launching the service calls to HMV’s service desk have reduced by almost 50%, allowing the service desk team to focus on more complex HR matters.

HMV’s intranet has revolutionised internal communication. They now communicate with staff on a rolling daily basis without the need to wait for weekly bulletins posted out to stores.

Best intranet usage: Joint winners WRVS and Hamworthy


Over the last 12 months, the WRVS intranet has seen a massive increase in usage - from 363 hits per month to 6510 hits – an increase of 1,793%.

The judges considered this to be particularly impressive given the diversely skilled and dispersed staff, from computer literate staff through to employees whose work does not ordinarily call for IT skills.


Hamworthy’s intranet, The Compass, has increased communication among 800+ employees in over 13 different countries. The panel of judges highlighted their intranet feature ‘Ask Joe ‘– an in-house developed question and answer database allowing employees to ask the CEO a question as well as their Innovation Forum which encourages employees to submit their ideas, as great usage drivers.

Best Intranet Branding: american golf

The judges were impressed with american golf’s strong branding giving their intranet a sense of identity which connects with the user community building trust and loyalty.

They ran an intranet naming competition for staff to put forward nominations with ‘Clubhouse’ being the most popular choice. american golf impressed the judges with their use of an instantly recognisable intranet character called ‘Golfy’ who is the host of ‘Clubhouse’. He comes in 47 different variations representing different areas of the intranet. The successful branding not only reinforces their internal community, but is also allows users to more easily identify the source of content.

Best Intranet Launch Strategy: Romec

Romec’s launch strategy was extremely well planned with a key objective of giving users a positive first experience which engaged them.

Romec ran a very successful launch competition. They wanted to motivate users to get them using key features and encourage repeat visits to the intranet. They devised an interactive puzzle game with a first prize of a trip to New York. Users had to use the search function, navigate around different areas of the intranet, access forums and use electronic forms. This initiative was a resounding success with 1032 users accessing the competition and 800 submitting entries.

Best Use of Enterprise 2.0 Tools: Affinity Sutton

Interact’s blogging tool has been a great success for Affinity Sutton. Blogs are well read and users frequently post comments on blogs enhancing collaboration within the organisation.

Affinity Sutton also use an open forum area in their intranet to break down silos and enable collaborative working.

Best Intranet Champion: Joint winners Dannielle Robinson and Nigel Williams, Romec

Dannielle Robinson and Nigel Williams won the award for Best Intranet Champions. The success of the Romec intranet has been in large part to how Nigel and Dannielle implemented the flexible tools in Interact Intranet. Their enthusiasm and dedication in developing and driving Romec’s intranet has ensured its position as a key communications channel for their users. Dannielle also regularly provides great feedback as to how Interact Intranet can be further developed. Nigel is an excellent Intranet Manager who excels at converting employee needs into actual intranet ROI.

About Interact Intranet

Interact Intranet is intelligent intranet software created by Interact. The flexible and scalable solution has more than 250,000 users and has revolutionised the way companies communicate, collaborate, share knowledge, and streamline internal processes. It has a unique Intelligence Store which logs information such as browsing routes, search entries, document ratings and hits and uses this information to promote content to users. Interact Intranet promotes a culture of collaboration and idea sharing by using corporate social networking and micro blogs. Non-technical users can quickly and easily update the intranet.

About Interact

Founded in 1996 with headquarters in the UK, Interact operates globally and is one of the fastest growing intranet software and web development companies. With well over a decade of experience Interact has the company has built a strong reputation of delivering successful and collaborative intranet solutions to leading companies.

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View the original article here

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