Friday, December 3, 2010

oogled and Durham College Announces Social Media Seminars!

Whitby, Ontario (PRWEB) November 12, 2010

oogled, in partnership with Durham College Corporate Training Services (CTS) is pleased to announce a certificate seminar series for business owners trying to get a handle on social media and its uses.

“We are pleased that we have been able work with Durham College’s Corporate Training Services on putting together an extensive program to help businesses look at social media from a strategic sense,” said Robert Fraser, President of oogled. “Most social media seminars are focused on the ‘cool’ factor and not how to make it a strategic part of your business.”

oogled, and their sister company ClubIT have been involved with social media since the beginning, first as users and then offering training and advice to clients as they struggled to make business sense of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

“This is a perfect next step for us to take all this knowledge and provide it for other businesses struggling to make this phenomenon practical for their business,” said Robert Rock, lead trainer from oogled. “To be able to do this in conjunction with a respected partner like Durham College is a huge bonus.”

The training sessions will consist of an eight-part series over 16 weeks and will cover such topics as introduction to social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and search engine optimization. The focus of these sessions will be to build a business strategy and game plan for using these various sites in generating business.

“Social media should be an integral part of marketing for business and therefore these seminars are an extension of the training we’ve been providing to the industry for many years,” said Melody Moran, director, CTS, Durham College.

The series will be designed so that all eight seminars complement and build on each other. In addition, attendees will get practical experience as the sessions will include hands-on components and homework between sessions. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop. Extensive use of Facebook and Twitter will allow for interactive and relevant follow-up questions.

Through its consultative process Corporate Training Services of Durham College has been providing proven, client-driven training solutions to the business community for more than thirty years.

For more information:                    

Contact for oogled:                            
Robert Fraser                

Contact for Durham College:

Melody Moran
Director, Corporate Training Services
Durham College
905.721.2000 ext. 3331


View the original article here

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