Sunday, January 30, 2011

Heart Surgeon-Saving One Driver at a time

New York, NY (PRWEB)

Because of the increased incidence of distracted drivers, and being a victim of this growing epidemic, Dr. Jacob DeLaRosa developed an application for smart phones.

The application prohibits the use of cellular phones when you exceed 15mph while driving. Once the vehicle slows less than 15mph the phone regains functionality.

With cellular phones making communication incredibly easier, automobile drivers are routinely using phones while driving. Unfortunately, when it comes to road safety the cellular phone has become a hazard. Ever since the advent of text messages, society has grown aware of the dangers of distracted drivers. The text message craze has been embraced by millions doing it every day.

The growing number of accidents due to distracted drivers is growing. Several states across the country are in the process or have already put laws in place against texting while driving. But even with laws enacted it is still done daily! According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 16% of all fatal crashes in 2008 were caused by driver distraction.

ONELAT, was started to Save One Life At a Time! Dr. DeLaRosa has dedicated his life to helping people with heart disease, and saving lives as a heart surgeon. ONELAT is about preventing and protecting society from casualties caused by distracted drivers.

The app. is available for immediate download on the Android system and will soon be available in the i-phone, Blackberry, and Windows 7 platforms.

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View the original article here

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