Saturday, January 29, 2011

Social Media Management for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Generally Available

Webfortis, LLC announced today the general availability of Parrot, a Microsoft Dynamics CRM product extension for managing social networks. Parrot is a powerful cloud-based computing application designed to search and participate in multiple social media conversations simultaneously in one easy to use consol. Fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Parrot enables users to track and publish conversations across Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Because Parrot is integrated with Dynamics CRM, users can track social media discussions, participate in conversations, and convert these interactions into leads, opportunities, contacts, or cases with the click of a bottom. The application also aggregates these interactions into a single viewer that allows companies to quickly track conversations across the most popular social media sites in one easy to manage interface. It eliminates the need to manage social media one site at a time.

“With social media strongly in play with today’s leading marketing firms, political communication strategists, and popular culture, most companies now require easy to use applications to capture and participate in a variety of social media interactions,” said Marc Wolenik, CEO of Webfortis. “Parrot is the first fully functional platform for Microsoft Dynamics to both participate in conversations about a company’s products, customers, and competitors and to drive new top-line revenue opportunities for our customers.”

Parrot is now generally available as a fully hosted, cloud computing application from Webfortis. The application is compatible on both CRM 4.0 and CMR 2011. Built on Microsoft’s Azure cloud development platform, it is completely supported for both Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-line and On-Premise product offerings. Offered to Webfortis customers at no additional charge, the firm supports Parrot deployments with a variety of Quick Start service packages that assist companies with training and deployment along with strategic consulting services on social media best practices.

About Webfortis:

Webfortis, The CRM Experts, headquartered in the San Francisco bay area with offices in Santa Rosa, Pleasant Hill, Sacramento, and Los Angeles, is regarded as a leader in developing and deploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM solutions for companies of all sizes. Having authored two top selling books available on for both the deployment and integration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Webfortis has established itself as a thought leader in system integration and an expert in deploying software applications across the entire Microsoft product line. Webfortis has also founded the Webfortis Partner Network, (WPN) which is established to coordinate and collaborate with other technology partners and consultants in deploying enterprise systems and applications. Webfortis customers include companies such as Jelly Belly Candy Company, Peet’s Coffee, The Packard Foundation, Opus One Winery, and Ruiz Foods.

For more information contact Webfortis at

Press Contact:
Scott Mangelson, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, 707-337-3304 or scott (at) webfortis (dot) com


View the original article here

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