Sunday, November 21, 2010

European Librarians Theatre Faces the Challenges and Opportunities of...

(PRWEB) November 11, 2010

Online Information, the largest UK event dedicated to the information industry is delighted to host the European Librarians Theatre at this year’s exhibition. staged in association with SLA EUROPE and EBSCO, the theatre will feature panel discussions focussing on topical issues facing librarians.

The discussions will be led by speakers from a number of different European countries to provide a variety of viewpoints. These sessions will take place on all three days of the show and address the impact of new technologies on the role of the librarian and library management.

EBSCO is supporting SLA Europe and Online Information in hosting three topical discussions in Online Information's European Libraries Theatre.

SLA Europe has enlisted expert panellists from across Europe, and the wider world. Together with their audiences they'll examine the impact of digitisation, mobile technologies and social media on librarians, libraries and their users. Geraldine Clement-Stoneham, a former President of SLA Europe, is moderator of the digitisation debate - she's anticipating a particularly lively discussion as panellists from Italy, France, the Netherlands and the UK exchange their experiences of libraries going digital.

In putting social media under the spotlight, Jakob Harnesk from EBSCO and a panel from Spain, France, Sweden and the UK will draw on evidence from Europe-wide surveys to help predict the future for 21st century librarians.

Examining the effects of mobile technologies in Europe’s libraries, Anne Caputo SLA President will lead a panel from Greece, France, the UK and Italy.
Day 1 - The mobile effect:
How are mobile technologies (iPad, Kindle, etc.) impacting Librarians’ jobs?
Moderator: Anne Caputo, President, SLA, USA
Gimena Campos Cervera, Senior Information, Researcher, U.S. Embassy to Italy, Office of Public Affairs, Information Resource Center, Italy
Andrew Clark, Group Leader for Library & Information Services, UCB Pharma, UK
Antonia Harova, Librarian, National Library of Greece, Greece
Anne-Marie Libmann, Consultant and Board ADBS member, Russian Market Research Consultancy Services , France

Day 2 - Social Media Spotlight: debating the case for social medias in Europe’s libraries, how do we seize the opportunities?
Moderator: Jakob Harnesk, Nordic Sales Manager, EBSCO Information Services, Sweden
Tomas Baiget, Head of Information Projects, Catalan Statistical Institute, Spain
Hervé Basset, Independent Consultant, France
Stephane Goldstein, Head of Programmes, Research Information Network, UK
Ake Nygren, Project Manager, Â Kista Idea Lab, Stockholm Public Libraries, Sweden
Geoff Walton, Senior Researcher, Institute for Applied Creative Thinking (I-ACT), Faculty of Arts, Media & Design, Staffordshire University, UK

Day 3 - Libraries go digital: What does digitalisation mean for librarians and for their relationships with users?
Moderator: Geraldine Clement-Stoneham, Past President, SLA Europe, UK
Maria Cassella, Librarian Co-ordinator, University of Torino, Italy
Elisabeth Gayon, President, French Library Association - ADBS, France
Stephane Goldstein, Head of Programmes, Research Information Network, UK
Dennie Heye, Global Knowledge Manager HR IT, Shell International B.V., Netherlands
Frank Toolenaar, Head of Library, Philips Research Eindhoven, Holland

Marie Madeleine Salmon (coordinator of ELT) adds, “The programme promises to generate some interesting discussions.”

Kate Arnold, president of SLA Europe says, “The discussion topics address issues which are affecting librarians throughout Europe right now. The sessions will highlight how professionals working in a library environment can be proactive.”

Delphine Dufour European Marketing Manager for EBSCO comments, “EBSCO clearly works to stay ahead of the information market. To this end, we regularly organise or support conferences and information days. The European Librarian Theatre offers Online Information attendees from the UK and Continental Europe an opportunity to network and focus on particular cross-border issues. The Theatre is an ideal platform for us to work and network with our customers and associates.”

About Online Information
Online Information is an annual meeting place for more than 9,000 attendees from over 40 countries across the globe. This unique free to attend event consists of an exhibition with more than 200 international exhibitors, an extensive educational show floor seminar programme, plus a range of exciting and stimulating show features. Focusing on new technologies and key sectors, Online Information feature areas are set to be a major highlight of the 2010 event.

Full details on all Online Information feature areas, along with associated seminar programmes, can be found on the event website along with information on the Online Information Conference, Europe’s most important education event for the Information Industry which runs in conjunction with the exhibition. Discover new ways of working in the linked and social web is the headline topic for 2010. For the full programme, please visit:

About SLA
The Special Libraries Association is a non-profit global organisation for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners. Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, the SLA represents over 12000 information professionals in 83 countries, including corporate, academic and government information specialists.
In 2009 SLA celebrates its Centennial

About SLA Europe
SLA Europe provides information professionals in Europe with unique networking and learning opportunities through its blog, seminars and discussion list and social events. The group recognises outstanding achievement in the information profession with its annual SLA Europe Information Professional Award (SLA Europe IP). SLA Europe also engages with new information professionals through its Early Career Conference Awards (ECCA) and the SLA Europe Dissertation Prize (DP) programme.

Established in 1944, EBSCO is the world’s leading information agent providing consultative services and cutting-edge technology for managing and accessing quality content, including print and e-journals, e-packages, research databases, eBooks and more. Now more than ever libraries and research organizations are looking for new ways to manage their collections more efficiently. EBSCO has developed the most comprehensive “e” discovery and management solutions, offering unparalleled integration to help librarians save time and money while empowering their users.


Opening Times
Tues 30 November, 10:00 – 17:00
Weds 1 December, 10:00 – 17:00
Thurs 2 December, 10:00 – 16:00

Venue – Conference Centre and Olympia Grand Hall, London UK

Admission to exhibitions and conference
For more information on how to book your place at Online Information 2010 (including details of group and early bird discounts), or to view the conference programme, please visit:, Twitter tag: #online10 and join the LinkedIn group – search for ‘Online Information Exhibition and Conference’.

For comprehensive event and industry information, free downloads of conference podcasts, guru interviews, case-studies and white papers visit:

Organisers – Incisive Media Events


View the original article here

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