Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Penny Auction Site Set to Ease the Holiday Shopping Burden

(PRWEB) December 10, 2010

As social media sites and online marketing have continued to blossom over the last decade, there's been a substantial decrease in the use of traditional media such as print, Click Here!">television and radio. Paralleling the marketing side of the web, ecommerce sites like Amazon and Overstock have made it easier for people to get their Christmas shopping done at bargain prices – all without venturing into the snow.

Retailers recognize the shift and are beginning to acknowledge the fact that shoppers are less willing to brave the cold when they can find all they need online. Where Black Friday once marked the Pre-Christmas season like a starter pistol going off at an Olympic race, special shopping days are being added to draw in the online crowds. Black Friday ads now feature “Online Only” specials and “Cyber Monday” is a way to mimic the Black Friday rush online.

But unfortunately for many those big-box retailer “discounts” just aren’t cutting it.

The economy has put a hurt on families this season, and with the unemployment extension running out at the beginning of this month, there are over 2 million Americans that are going to find their bank accounts running dry this holiday season. As a result, many are trying to find alternatives to get the most popular items at the lowest prices possible. So where are they turning?

Auction sites; but not the traditional hangouts like EBay. This Christmas season has people flocking to penny auction sites where items like Click Here!">televisions, iPods, and even video game consoles are being auctioned off for a fraction of the cost. Would you believe a PS3 bundle can go for as little as $20? Even less, apparently. Emlyn Scott, President of Exceet.com, a new marketplace that has just launched featuring four different bid auctions including penny auctions and reverse auctions, has seen the benefits of the holiday rush.

“Even appearing new on the scene, we’ve had a fair surge of traffic with the holiday season coming up with thousands visiting our site everyday. Some of the search analytics we see are people trying to find the most popular items – particularly electronics – and many families are able to find those items at steep discounts. Even popular gift cards exchange hands constantly through our penny auctions.” says Scott.

Scott is happy that his new company is able to do something to stave off the holiday blues for a lot of families. “The economy is rough on a lot of families right now, and not just in the U.S. It actually lifts my spirits during the holidays to know that we’re offering a way for people to provide for their family and friends with ">gifts – or even just treat themselves.” stated Scott.

What’s setting the new Exceet apart from the rest of the penny auction sites? “Those other sites offer items that are being sold directly by the auction company. So the existing penny auction sites need their customers to lose to earn an income which is hardly great for customers. Exceet in contrast is the first penny and reverse auction marketplace, where buyers and third party sellers are being brought together. This keeps the entire system very fair and a win/win for both buyers and sellers."

In the short time they’ve been open to the public they have already completed over 50 auctions with an average saving of 96%. They now have over $30,000 worth of items up for auction and new products are being added everyday by sellers. “Imagine getting a $300.00 digital camera for $12 from a private buyer and you can see the kind of savings that bidders and Christmas shoppers can get using our new system.” Stated Scott.

As families tighten their budgets, you can expect to see fewer shoppers in the stores running the same old ad sprees. Instead, those consumers are going to avoid the winter wonderland, settle in with a cup of hot chocolate covered in peppermint candy pieces and tackle their shopping on sites like Exceet.com from the comfort of home.

For more information on Exceet auctions and how they can simplify the holiday shopping season visit http://www.Exceet.com.

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View the original article here

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