Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Next World Partners Cracks the Financial Code on Work from Home...

Rahway, NJ (PRWEB) December 10, 2010

Socially and economically responsible Next World Partners ( have received their first round of financing just in time for their mid-January launch. The NJ-based minority owned company will be offering voip, cable, internet service and have added the acquisition of emails to their products.

Most traditional MLM companies prosper on the side of representative retention and switching customers over to VOIP.

Next World Partners has also added a media aspect that brings them to the forefront of the industry. NWP will be reaching out to the local small businesses through their representative channel to offer marketing strategies to help revive the small business infrastructure. Next World Partner CEO and co founder George Spears are committed to the building of new start ups and the small business model. Next World Partners realizes that a consistent approach to helping the local businesses is what's needed to start moving our communities, our states and our country in the right direction faster.

Next World Partners have streamlined the cost of owning your own business opportunity to $199.00 (pre launch is $99.00), which includes a comprehensive training program that gets the building of your business on the fast-track to success.

When asked why an investor should take a chance on a new company, Next World Partners believes they offer a fresh look at an old business and because of their core theme of building people and relationships they give entrepreneurs a reason to believe they can be successful. The time to be the Next World Partner is now.        

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View the original article here

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